as8: Quotes on Graphic Design

New quotes are added anytime I note down a relevant one.

If you feel like to contribute, just email me.

[go to quotes on typography and type design]

Quote #232

" If fun and recreation continue to be a pervasive attraction and subtle

expectation for students to attend school emotionally and physically,

how will they adjust to the workplace where hard work, dedication and

persistence, outside the realm of fun and even enjoyment, are necessary to

compete and to succeed professionally?

Reading with purpose, listening to the teacher, taking notes during a lesson,

that's not fun. Add to the job description of a teacher: entertainer."

Alan Pagano

Quote #231

" If a mind is just a few pounds of blood, urea, and electricity,

how does it manage to contemplate itself, worry about its soul,

do time-and-motion studies, admire the shy hooves of a goat,

know that it will die, enjoy all the grand and lesser mayhems of the heart ? "

Diane Ackerman

Quote #230

" There is more to life than increasing its speed. "


Quote #229

" Know who you are. Be what you know. "

Koan #4

index ZEN by Güneş Davenport

Quote #228

" A wise person once said that you're only as creative as the obscurity of your sources. "

House Industries

Quote #227

" ‘Poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music’

and ‘music begins to atrophy when it gets too far from dance.’ "

Calligraphy, like dance, is an interaction of movement and pause, energy and stillness… "

Stephen Addiss

Introduction to ‘77 Dances’ book

Quote #226

" The dreamer is the whole dream.

For us, dreaming and imagination are coupled with action to treat our lives,

our business and our relationships as a constant unfolding. " 

Tim Girvin

Quote #225

" Possible ≠ Desirable "

Terry Irwin (1964-)

Quote #224

" To wrap up, logo design is one of the most demanding areas of graphic design.

Logos have a big job to do: they represent your company, convey your image,

and greet customers on the face of your stationary and business cards.

Choosing the right company logo design, and the right design firm,

is one of the best things you can do to help your marketing efforts. "

Elo Mark de B.

Quote #223

" Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more. "

Alexander Isley

Quote #222

" We don’t give answers. Unless we can explore your question. "

EdenSpiekermann Manifesto

Quote #221

" The difference between a good educator and a great educator is that

the former figures out how to work within the constraints of traditional

policies and accepted assumptions, whereas the latter figures out how to

change whatever gets in the way of doing right by kids.

’But we’ve always…’, ‘But the parents will never…’, ‘But we can’t be the

only school in the area to…’ – all such protestations are unpersuasive

to great educators. If research and common sense argue for doing things

differently, then the question isn’t whether to change course but how

to make it happen. "

Alfie Kohn

Quote #220

" Talent does what it can, but genius does what it must. "

Gabriel Robins

Quote #219

" Tradition, history and respect; that kind of qualities I admire,

that I want to see preserved. Time is the only commodity that matters.

Being successful doesn't make you manage your time well; managing your

time well makes you successful. Goals, Priorities, and Planning.

Why am I doing this?

What is the goal?

Why will I succeed?

What happen if I chose not to do it?

'Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement'. "

Randy Pausch

Quote #218

" If the world of print protects the private identities,

the world of electricity actually threatens them.

New important technologies turns the previous important technologies

into its content; they features that content as the most prevalent

offer, and at the same time it turns that content into an art form

– e.g., cinema makes theater its content; Youtube is the art form

of television turned content by Internet.

'In any problem whatever, one in a million would see no problem.

The real problem is how do you reach this person who has the answer' (1974).

'This kind of environment that we have, an information environment,

electrically programmed, turns the entire planet into a teaching machine,

and it's a man-made teaching machine. One of the results of the man-made

environment becoming a teaching machine is that the audience becomes

workforce' (1966). "

Derrick de Kerckhove

The Era of the Tag

Quote #217

" Tribes are what matters now.

What tribes are is a very simple concept that goes back 50,000 years;

it's about leading and connecting people and ideas – and that's something

people have wanted for ever. All tribes leader have carisma.

But you don't need carisma to become a leader – being a leader gives you carisma.

Find something worth changing and then assembling tribes that spread the idea

to the point where it becomes a movement.

Tell a Story; Connect a Tribe; Lead a Movement; Make Change.

   Who exactly are you upsetting.

   Who are you connecting.

   Who are you leading.

   How to change everything?

Challenge the status quo; Build a culture; Commit. "

Seth Godin

Quote #216

" Things that I can do myself, I either do by myself,

or teach a willing undergraduate who doesn’t know how to do those things by doing it for me.

Things that I can’t do myself, my graduate students should be doing. "

John Maeda’s Policy as a Professor

Quote #215

" The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee.

It permits a number of possible uses and each designer

can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style.

But one must learn how to use the grid;

it is an art that requires practice. "

Josef Müller-Brockmannüller-Brockmann

Quote #214

" I did end up finding one compelling potential example of a movement

that attempts to make goods speak to power in the age of marketing...

In fact, its roots are in something like the opposite of mass production:

the handmade. "

Rob Walker

Quote #213

" A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic,

objective economist and evolutionary strategist. "

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Quote #212

" Teaching is the rare profession where the customer isn't always right

and needs to be told so appropriately. "

John Maeda

Quote #211

" Mom came as guest to me; For two days or maybe three;

So I introduce to Her: This it toilet, kitchen room; This is soap, and this is bath;

There are cockroaches here too; Living temporarily with us;

Mother asked me, uncertain; Is it true that they're for short time?

Oh my Lord, we're all here for just a short time! "

Dmitri Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940-2007)

Дми́трий Алекса́ндрович При́гов

Quote #210

" The difference between closing or opening your eyes is the choice between the imagined vs real.

Blinking is only human. "

John Maeda

Quote #209

" Branding is all about the ability of an enterprise to successfully deliver

on promises made to the public, whether they come in the form of a guarantee

of a high-quality product or a first-class education.

Effective branding addresses all aspects of corporate or institutional culture,

including the public face presented by staff and their working environment.

Any enterprise that pays careful attention to every detail of the customer

experience will have visitors who are happier, and who have better first and

last impression. Today that matters. "

Sylvia Harris

Quote #208

" We know it is almost impossible to imagine visual perception without colors. "

David Gibson

Quote #207

" Memory feeds projects, project guide activity.

La memoria alimenta il progetto; il progetto guida il fare. "

Fabrizio M. Rossi

Quote #206

" In the past few decades, individuals have experienced dramatic changes in some

of the most established dimensions of human life:

time, space, matter, and individuality.

Working across several time zones, traveling with relative ease between satellite

maps and nanoscale images, gleefully drowning in information, acting fast in order

to preserve some slow downtime, people cope daily with dozens of changes in scale.

Minds adapt and acquire enough elasticity to be able to synthesize such abundance.

One of design's most fundamental tasks is to stand between revolutions and life,

and to help people deal with change. Designers have coped with these displacements

by contributing thoughtful concepts that can provide guidance and ease as science

and technology evolve. "

Paola Antonelli

Quote #205

" The teacher must create an environment in which the student can learn – which

is simple, direct and honest. A true life learning. You can't push information

into an unwilling brain. There's no such thing as teaching. Only learning.

Your style of leadership will be one of the most important choices you will make

– the measure of control over who you are and what sort of character you embody.

Focus on the things that make a difference and work on them as hard as you can.

Be consistent in everything you do; in a quote from teh Greek philosopher Plutarch,

'The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be lighted.' "

Monty Roberts

Horse Sense for People

Quote #204

" Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal

goes down into the earth ? "


Ecclesiastes 3:21

Quote #203

" Designers must educate the public that design is about strategy, not decoration.

However, such attempts are repeatedly undermined by a design world hooked on

competitions and awards ceremonies that celebrate creativity instead of strategy

results and sustainability. "

David B. Berman

Quote #202

" If you look after goodness and truth, beauty will take care of itself. "

Eric Gill

Quote #201

" Beauty is the brilliance of truth. "

Saint Augustine

Quote #200

" I believe that compliance alone is not sufficient for outstanding performance.

Blind obedience is not pleasurable nor does it produce a sense of accomplishment.

[…] If we give everyone we come in contact with the freedom to choose an outcome

while encouraging him to be aware of his responsibilities, then he will learn to

make better choices, and if we earn trust and accept our responsibilities, then

we take a giant step toward creating successful relationships.

Removing responsibility and tightening control directly reduce the learning process.

If we trust others because we have caused them to trust us we have completed the

circle necessary for exemplary communication. "

Monty Roberts

Horse Sense for People

Quote #199

" Power is an interesting word because if you take away its negative aspects

from its meaning and then try to understand what it means, you will find out

that the word is synonymous of 'ability to manage a plan'.

If you try to define the word 'design' you find that has the same meaning.

Design and power concepts are identical. "

Milton Glaser

Quote #198

" Students generally have very little idea of the world they are entering into,

and their teachers – like parents – are viewed as beings who alternately guide

and admonish; rarely are those teachers viewed as individuals or is their

professional standing considered. It is usually only afterward, when young people

encounter real-life situations in their chosen professions that they sometimes

learn (if they are lucky) that they studied with one of the greats. "

Marian Bantjes

on Doyald Young AIGA 2009 Medal

Quote #197

" To freely bloom – that is my definition of success. "

Gerry Spence (1929-)

Quote #196

" Design:

The wedding of liberal education to the advancement of the public good.

The ABC of Anthropology:

Applied Anthropology

Archaeological Anthropology

Anthropology of Religion

Biological or Physical Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology

Development Anthropology

Dental Anthropology

Economic Anthropology

Educational Anthropology





Linguistic Anthropology

Medical Anthropology



Political Anthropology

Social Anthropology

Urban Anthropology. "

Liz Coleman

Quote #195

" Seem to have spent all week explaining to clients that

their specifications are inappropriate for achieving what they want.

They disagree. "

Mark Barrat

Quote #194

" A good listener helps us overhear ourselves. "

Yahia Lababidi (1973-)

Quote #193

" Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration

or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books,

paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture,

bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows.

Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul.

If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.

Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent.

And don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it.

In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said:

“It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to. "

Jim Jarmusch (1953-)

Quote #192

" No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account

not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. "

Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)

Quote #191

" Design creates culture.

Culture shapes values.

Values determine the future.

Design is therefore responsible for the world our children will live in".

Robert L. Peters (1954-)

Quote #190

" Design cannot be heard or read, it must be seen.

Design is the structural link between the customers and the product.

Content must be brought to the surface. And when a design is completed,

it should seem natural and obvious.

It should look like it is always been this way. And it should last. "

Roger Black

Quote #189

" People invent new machines and improve existing ones almost unconsciously,

rather as a Somnambulist will go walking in his sleep. The interesting puzzle

in our times is that we so willingly sleepwalk through the process of

reconstituting the conditions of human existence. "

George Orwell (1903-1950)

The Road to Wigan Pier

Quote #188

" A visualization method is a systematic, rule-based, external,

permanent, and graphic representation that depicts information

in a way that is conducive to acquiring insights, developing

an elaborate understanding, or communicating experiences. "

Ralph Lengler and Martin J. Eppler

Quote #187

" The beauty is in finding, not in what you find ; that is just an excuse. "

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a.k.a. Osho

Quote #186

" The best way to give advice to your children is to find out

what they want and then advise them to do it. "

Harry S. Truman

Quote #185

" Following a process is a critical factor in successfully designing

and developing information. By following one, you have, at the least,

a check list of sorts that helps you make sure that you complete every

task and, at the most, a guide to make sure that you address issues

in the most logical sequence.

By following a well-defined process and applying creative design and

development techniques, you can design communication products in the

most effective and efficient manner. "

Saul Carliner

Quote #184

" Communication in every which way is everything for the leader. "

John Maeda

Quote #183

" If there was no praise or criticism in the world, then who would you be ? "

Howard Behar

Quote #182

" A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. "

Steven Wright

Quote #181

" Designers may be the true intellectuals of the future. "

Paola Antonelli

Quote #180

" I have the simplest of tastes. I’m always satisfied with the Best. "

Oscar Wilde

Quote #179

" By creating digital models and workflows that allow you to visualize,

simulate, and analyze your designs, you can experience your ideas before they are real.

This enables the continual exploration of design alternatives,

allowing early improvements to the way projects and products will look,

perform, and be used. And ultimately, saving time and money, reducing errors,

and increasing sustainability. "

Autodesk Team, “Why Design Matters”

Quote #178

" Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler. "

Albert Einstein

Quote #177

" A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed. "

Henrik Ibsen

Quote #176

" What a graphic designer tries to do is make sure the typography

is emotionally consistent with the brand. "

Michael Ian Kaye

Quote #175

" The claims of contemporary art cannot be ignored in any vital scheme of life.

The art of today is that which really belongs to us : it is our own reflection.

In condemning it we but condemn ourselves.

We say that the present age possesses no art : – who is responsible for this ?

It is indeed a shame that despite all our rhapsodies about the ancients,

we pay so little attention to our own possibilities.

Struggling artists, weary souls lingering in the shadow of cold disdain !

In our self-centered century, what inspiration do we offer them ?

The past may well look with pity at the poverty of our civilisation ;

the future will laugh at the barrenness of our art.

We are destroying the beautiful in life. "

Kakuzo Okakura (1862-1913)

Quote #174

" We shall not cease from exploration.

And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started.

And know the place for the first time. "

Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)

‘Little Gidding’

Quote #173

" The rage for wanting to conclude is one of the most deadly and most

fruitless manias to befall humanity. Each religion and each philosophy

has pretended to have God to itself, to measure the infinite, and to

know the recipe for happiness. What arrogance and what nonsense!

I see, to the contrary, that the greatest geniuses and the greatest

works have never concluded. "

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

Quote #172

" If you spot it, you've got it. "

(Empirically studied and proven in some fields of counselling and also Buddhism).


Quote #171

" Does it count as a ‘grand truth’ if I have to explain the context?

Surely there are other stories that could assure its status as a universal principle. "

Anne Carroll

Quote #170

" Luck is the residue of design. "

Branch Rickey

Quote #169

" Conversation is the engine of knowledge.

It’s the generative activity of civilization.

Of course, I don’t mean only literally talk, I mean the bigger sense

of conversation – human interchange, interaction and commerce. "

Andrew Hinton

Quote #168

" Practice is a shared history of learning.  Practice is conversational.

‘Communities of Practice’ are groups of people who share a concern (domain)

or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better (practice)

as they interact regularly (community). "

Etienne Wenger (1952-)

Quote #167

" I was always fascinated by the infinite, strange and ‘scandalous’ ways that insects copulate. "

Isabella Rossellini

Quote #166

" The life of a designer is a life of fight.

Fight against the ugliness.

Just like a doctor fights against disease.

For us, the visual disease is what we have around,

and what we try to do is cure it somehow with design. " 

Massimo Vignelli

Quote #165

" Great design is all about details.

With innovative material selection, sensible construction techniques

and modern aestetics one can craft a unique design language that sets

a new standard. "

Roi James

Quote #164

" Art is the most complex, vitalizing and civilizing of human actions.

Thus it is of biological necessity.  Art sensitizes man to the best

that is immanent in him through an intensified expression involving

many layers of experience.

Out of them art forms a unified manifestation, like dreams which are

composed of the most diverse source material subconsciously crystallized.

It tries to produce a balance of the social, intellectual and emotional

existence; a synthesis of attitudes and opinions, fears and hopes.

Art has two faces, the biological and the social, the one toward the

individual and the other toward the group. By expressing fundamental

validities and common problems, art can produce a feeling of coherence.

This is its social function which leads to a cultural synthesis as well

as to a continuation of human civilization. Today, lacking the patterning

and refinement of emotional impulses through the arts, uncontrolled,

inarticulate and brutally destructive ways of release have become


Unused energies, subconscious frustrations, create the psychopathic

borderline cases of neurosis. Art as expression of the individual can

be a remedy of sublimation of aggressive impulses.

Art educates the receptive faculties and it revitalises the creative

abilities. In this way art is rehabilitation therapy through which

confidence in one’s creative abilities can be restored. "

László Moholy-Nagy 91895-1946)

Vision in Motion, Chicago 1947, p.28.ászló_Moholy-Nagy

Quote #163

" According to the thinkers of the East, there are five different intoxications:

of beauty, youth and strength;

then the intoxication of wealth;

the third is power, command, the power of ruling;

and there is the fourth intoxication, which is the intoxication of learning, of knowledge.

But all these four intoxications fade away just like stars before the sun

in the presence of the intoxication of music.

The reason is that it touches that deepest part of man’s being.

Music reaches farther than any other impression from the external world can reach.

And the beauty of music is that it is both the source of creation and the means

of absorbing it.

In other words, by music was the world created, and by music it is withdrawn again

into the source which has created it. "

Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927)

Founder of the Sufi Order in the West

Quote #162

" We live in an over-served world driven by unrealistic expectations,

and the toughest challenge in this environment is to set yourself apart...

which is the purpose of branding. By building strong brands with real value,

you build strong bottom lines. "

Charlie Hughes

Quote #161

" The difference between the novice and the master is simply that the novice

has not learnt, yet, how to do things in such a way that he can afford to make

small mistakes.

The master knows that the sequence of his actions will always allow him to cover

his mistakes a little further down the line. It is this simple but essential

knowledge which gives the work of a master carpenter its wonderful, smooth,

relaxed, and almost unconcerned simplicity. "

Christopher Alexander

Quote #160

" Innovation comes ultimately from a diversity of perspectives.

So when you combine ideas from different industries or different cultures,

that’s when you have the best sense of developing groundbreaking ideas. "

Frans Johansson

Quote #159

" Transforming ourselves and transforming the world – that’s

really a false duality. Insofar as we’re able to let go of

ourselves and let something else flow through us, I think we

inevitably become more engaged with the world.

To be less self-preoccupied is to realise our non-duality with

the world – we’re not in the world, we’re one manifestation of

the world. We are what the world is doing right here and now.

The other thing Buddhism has to offer here is the emphasis on

emptiness – particularly the implication of goallessness.

If we’re working towards social transformation, inevitably

we’re working towards particular goals.

But realising the emptiness of our activities leads to a focus

on process rather than conclusion. "

David Loy

Quote #158

" You cannot not communicate. "

Paul Watzlawik

Quote #157

" It has become a cliché to announce that ‘we live in a remix culture’...

What was referred to in post-modern times as quoting, appropriation,

and pastiche no longer needs any special name.

Now this is simlpy the basic logic of cultural production. "

Lev Manovich

Quote #156

" The next decade will produce a revolution in the use of archived,

simulation, and near real-time data to guide future decisions and

research directions."

David Patterson

Manager of EOL online reference

(for 1.9 million known plant and animal species).

Quote #155

" Design is one of the professions that bridges the analytical way

of doing things with the synthetical way of doing things.

If you consider analysis to be breaking a thing down into finite

elements, and looking at relationhips inside it and making sense out

of it, you can say that synthesis is about the interrelationships

and the combinations of things. I think that designers have this

unusual intuition for what could be meaningful in this analytical

[information]. It’s less rational, and more emotional in its approach. "

Vinay Venkatraman

Quote #154

" In the broad sense design means thinking about what the function or

purpose of things or processes are, and translating that into action. "

Howard Rheingold

Quote #153

" They must find it difficult...

Those who have taken authority as the truth,

Rather than truth as the authority. "

Gerald Massey

Quote #152

" Symbols are oracular forms–mysterious patterns

creating vortices in the substances of the invisible world. "

Manly P. Hall

Quote #151

" Man has never desired what he has not first imagined. "


Quote #150

" Humor is all about timing. "

Steven Heller

Quote #149

" No furniture so charming as books. "

Rev Sydney Smith (1771-1845)

Quote #148

World Needs New

The world should be better.

There are huge opportunities to make new things.

To rethink energy, transport, healthcare, government.

We think there’s not enough around that’s new.

And business growth, particularly in hard times, means doing new things.

The best way out of a recession is to stimulate new demand.

New Needs Brand

Innovation is unpredictable, often wasteful, full of dead ends.

But there’s a good way to inspire it, focus it, and make it do-able.

Start with your brand. Start with what you stand for,

and what you’re specially good at. This is brand-led innovation.

It’s how the greatest innovators – Google, Prada, Safaricom, Tata –

instinctively do it.

And in a world where sceptical consumers believe reality not image,

creating new reality is the only way to keep your brand alive.

Brand inspires new, and new delivers brand.

Wolff Olins,

Brand Consultancy

Quote #147

" Only when the design fails does it draw attention to itself;

when it succeeds, it’s invisible. "

John D. Berry

Quote #146

" An old essay by John Updike begins, ‘We live in an era of

gratuitous inventions and negative improvements.’

That language is general and abstract, near the top of the ladder.

It provokes our thinking, but what concrete evidence leads Updike

to his conclusion ?

The answer is in his second sentence : ‘Consider the beer can.’

To be even more specific, Updike was complaining that the invention

of the pop-top ruined the aesthetic experience of drinking beer.

‘Pop-top’ and ‘beer’ are at the bottom of the ladder, ‘aesthetic

experience’ at the top. "

John Updike

On the Ladder of Abstraction

Quote #145

" I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar. "

Eugene Ormandy

Quote #144

" If you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that you play that makes it good or bad. "

Miles Davis

Quote #143

" Moulding clay into a vessel,

we find the utility in its hollowness;

Cutting doors and windows for a house,

we find the utility in its empty space.

Therefore the being of things is profitable,

the non-being of things is serviceable. "


Quote #142

" People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware. "

" Yazılım konusunda iddialı insanlar kendi donanımlarını yapmalılar. "


Alan Kay (1940-)

Quote #141

" No one has ever created a design culture by importing design.

The story of a design city is the story of when and how it embraces

its own ideas and works through them to generate local cultural capital. "

Leon van Schaik

Quote #140

" To give emphasis only to beauty makes me think of a mathematics

that deals with positive numbers only. "

" Dare rilievo soltanto al bello mi fa pensare ad una matematica

che si occupa solo di numeri positivi. "

Diaries 1989-1918

Paul Klee (1879-1940)

Quote #139

" It is the perennial youthfulness of mathematics itself

which marks it off with a disconcerting immortality from the other sciences. "

Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960)

Quote #138

" The good thing about bad taste is that you don`t know you have it. "

Sam Becker

Quote #137

" This is more pertinent in graphic design than in the industrial

or architectural fields, because graphic design is more open to

aesthetic than to functional preferences. "

Paul Rand (1914-1996)

The Politics of Design

Quote #136

" I have no special gift. I am only passionately curious. "

Albert Einstein

Quote #135

" An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere.

The pessimist sees only the red light. 

But the truly wise person is color blind. "

Albert Schweitzer

Quote #134

" Collaboration is a combined effort resulting in the deepening

of relationships and shared knowledge. "

Mousharaka, Icograda Design Week in Qatar 2009

Quote #133

" What to do makes a difference,

and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. "

Jane Goodall

Quote #132

" Good graphic design solutions to communication problems

can improve the flow of information in society and, therefore,

substantially and positively affect education, social well-being

and the daily enjoyment of life. In addition, good graphic design

solutions can also have a positive economic impact. "

Jorge Frascara

Quote #131

Quotes on Design,

Quote #130

" The design is an expression of the purpose.

I may (if it is good design) later be judged as art. "

Charles Eames

Quote #129

" It is important to notice that these badly functioning designs

were praised for 'elegance.' But elegance as theoretical scientists

apply it is quite different. The elegance of a mathematical formula

is that it explains a phenomenon beautifully, with no parts left over.

In design, elegance is more readily perceived as a property of product

than of process. If we had more elegant theories, we might look to

design for more than elegance. "

Ralph Caplan (1925-)

Quote #128

" There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!

Wow is the one to aim for. "

Milton Glaser (1929-)

Quote #127

I see graphic design as the organization of information

that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent

and pragmatically understandable.

Massimo Vignelli

Quote #126

" We need to aim at essential things, to remove every redundant

effects, every useless flowering, to elaborate a concept on mathematical

bases, on fundamental ideas, on elementary structures; we strongly need

to avoid waste and excess. "

A.G. Fronzoni (1923-2002)

Quote #125

" An image can only be one element in constructing a sequence of understanding. "

Germano Facetti (1926-2006)

Quote #124

" There can be no knowledge without emotion.

We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours.

To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul. "

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)

Retrived from: “Emotion” by R. De Sousa

Quote #123

" Advertisements saturate our social lives. We participate, daily,

in deciphering advertising images and messages. Our ability to recognize

and decipher the advertising images that confront us depends on our

photographic literacy and our familiarity with the social logic of

advertising and consumerism.

Yet, because ads are so pervasive and our reading of them so routine,

we tend to take for granted the deep social assumptions embedded in

advertisements. There is a great deal more at stake in reading ads than

simply wondering whether or not to buy.

Advertisements have sociocultural consequences and repercussions that

go beyond the corporate bottom line, even though it is the bottom line

which motivates and shapes the ads.

This critical reading of ads seeks to excavate the social assumptions

that are conventionally made (and glossed over) in the split second that

it takes us to decipher an ad and move on to the next.

Reading ads in terms of the social knowledge necessary to their interpretation

enables us to isolate and detail the ideological codes that animate the ads.

Suspending the taken-for-granted attitude that accompanies the reading

process can turn the reading of ads from depoliticized diversion into

a political act. "

Robert Goldman

Reading Ads Socially, 1992, Routledge, New York

Quote #122

" Tough times do not last but tough people do. "

Deiter Uchdorf

Quote #121

" Design is an expression of the purpose, and it may (if it is good enough)

later be judged as art; design depends largely on constraints and it is a method

of action (there are always constraints and these usually include ethic). "

Charles Eames (1907-1978)

Quote #120

" Design is a conversation with a situation. "

Mario Gagliardi

Quote #119

" Inner beauty is for amateurs. "

Anne Taintor (1953-)

Quote #118

" The intellect has little to do with the road to discovery.

There happens  a conscience leap, call it intuition or as you like,

and the solution arrives, and you don't know how or why. "

Albert Einstein

Quote #117

" A great emotion is too selfish ; it takes into itself all the blood of the spirit,

and the congestion leaves the hands too cold to write.  Three sorts of emotion produce

great poetry -- strong but quick emotions, seized upon for art as soon as they have

passed, but not before they have passed ; strong and deep emotions in their remembrance

along time after ; and false emotions, that is to say, emotions felt in the intellect.

Not insincerity, but a translated sincerity, is the basis of all art. "

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

in "Erostratus: The Search For Immortality"

Quote #116

" It’s often the way you think about people that often determines their behaviors ; you

have to change the way that people see themselves before they can change their behaviors.

You must be prepared to work on your dreams, just in case they do come true. "

Bill Strickland

Quote #115

" Occasionally I am reminded of the paradox that we each have a limited existence

in the limitless framework of time.  Speed is over-valued by society, we should value

inactivity and slowness as a productive agent of observation and quality. "

John Caserta

Quote #114

" There is a verse [in the Koran] that says God swears by time.

Anything you gain in life, you pay for with your time.

Time is the most important thing that has been given to man. "

Shirin Ebadi (1947-)

Quote #113

" Time is the scarcest of all resources.  Time is the only non-renewable resource. "

George Gilder (1939-)

Quote #112

" Being smart in the arts is the same as being smart in engineering is the same

as being smart in writing is the same as being smart in anything, really.

It’s the ability to manipulate all the pieces of the puzzle in your mind, try to fit

them together, and when they don’t fit quite right... you sand the edges/corners and

make them all fit. "

Gerry Sussman

Quote #111

" For me, it is maybe the process of simply thinking about something in a creative sense...

that gets me excited. Does it have to result in something ?  Yes.  That seems odd really.

Because if all I cared about being creative was just to do something creative, then I

wouldn't need to get to a finished result.  No.  Getting to some endpoint seems to be the

real enjoyment.  It's not for others to recognize the fruits of your work ; it's for yourself.

The desire is to complete a thought. So then... you can go on and find a new one to torment

yourself with.  The intellectual torment... is... fun ?  Hmmmm.  Difficult to say.

Perhaps it is a kind of acquired taste for an odd pleasure. "

" So it dawned upon me how important it is to be a creative.

Because it means you have within you infinite capacity to experiment.

You are unafraid to go somewhere new because you are creating a new thought process about

your own creativity. You know that if you stop and no longer challenge yourself, you cease

to be creative. You become still, silent, and the bow no longer connect with the strings

and music is not made. And you do not exist. You show you do not have the courage to exist.

Creativity is courage. The world needs more fearless people that can influence all disciplines

to challenge their very existence. Creativity is reflection aimed not at yourself, but at the

world around you. "

John Maeda

Quote #110

" When I first prepared this particular talk... I realized that my usual

approach is usually critical. That is, a lot of the things that I do,

that most people do, are because they hate something somebody else has done,

or they hate that something hasn’t been done. And I realized that informed

criticism has completely been done in by the web. Because the web has produced

so much uninformed criticism. It’s kind of a Gresham’s Law—bad money drives

the good money out of circulation. Bad criticism drives good criticism out

of circulation. You just can’t criticize anything. "

Alan Kay

Quote #109

" Visual organization is the deliberate prioritization of meaning within a visual design.

It’s the process of applying the principles behind perception - how we make sense

of what we see - to illuminate relationships between content and actions. "

Luke Wroblewski

Quote #108

" It wasn’t an architect or a designer who invented objects, but an artisan. "

Giorgetto Giugiaro (1938-)

Quote #107

" The artist is the creator of beautiful things.  To reveal art and conceal

the artist is art`s aim.  The critic is he who can translate into another

manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things.  The highest as

the lowest form of criticism is a mode of autobiography.  Those who find ugly

meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming.

This is a fault.  Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are

the cultivated. For these there is hope. They are the elect to whom beautiful

things mean only beauty. "

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Quote #106

" Maybe there are times when mystery is more important than knowledge.

I realized that the white page is a magic box.  Ultimately, the mistery box is all of us.

Ubiquitous technologies.  What comes next ?  Mystery as catalyst for imagination. "

Jeffrey Jacob Abrams (1966-)

Quote #105

" The original idea makes design distinctive, function makes it work and quality adds value. "

Serge Zuev

Quote #104

" Trust is the personal believe in correctness of something.

It is the deep conviction of thruth and rightness, and can not be enforced.

If you gain someone’s trust, you have established an interpersonal relationship,

based on communication, shared values and experiences.

Trust always depends on mutuality. "

Benjamin Stephan & Lutz Vogel

Quote #103

" Mr. Spock : 'I began to study human behavior from an alien perspective,

thinking, humans are interesting, sad, foolish, but worthy of study. "

Leonard Simon Nimoy (1931-)

Quote #102

" I want to create an atmosphere that can be consciously plumbed with seeing,

like the wordless thought that comes from looking in a fire. "

James Turrell (1943-)

Quote #101

" Design is intelligence made visible. "

Don Newgren

Quote #100

" Skill in the digital age is confused with mastery of digital tools,

masking the importance of understanding materials and mastering the elements of form. "

John Maeda

Quote #099

" What is especially striking and remarkable is that in fundamental physics,

a beautiful or elegant theory is more likely to be right than a theory that is inelegant.

A theory appears to be beautiful or elegant (or simple, if you prefer)

when it can be expressed concisely in terms of mathematics we already have.

Symmetry exhibits the simplicity.  The Foundamental Law is such that the different

skins of the onion resemble one another and therefore the math for one skin allows you

to express beautifully and simply the phenomenon of the next skin. "

Murray Gell-Mann (1929-)

Quote #098

" Every society must be intentional about educating its leaders. "

Patrick Awuah

Quote #097

" When form predominates, meaning is blunted.  But when content predominates, interest lags.

Form & Content.  Without aesthetics, you can`t find the truth, to do things with quality.

I think this is in a true sense what aesthetics means.

Simplicity is not the goal.

It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations. "

Paul Rand (1914-1996)

Quote #096

" The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world.

That`s what poetry does. "

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997)

Quote #095

" It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. "

Aesop (595BC-546BC ca.)

Quote #094

" Evolution is cleverer than you are. "

Francis Crick (1916-2004)

Quote #093

" It is a little embarrassing that, after 45 years of research and study,

the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other. "

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Quote #092

" We think about the world in all ways we experience it ;

we think visually, we think in sign, we think kinesthetically,

we think in abstract term, we think in movement.

Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. "

Sir Ken Robinson

Quote #091

" 100 Movies, 100 Quotes, 100 Numbers. "

Alonzo Mosley

Quote #090

" Stay hungry, stay foolish. "

Steve Paul Jobs (1955-)

Quote #089

" Pattern : categories are cultural, locales mix up, structure mostly translates,

global standards have local exceptions. "

Peter Van Dijck (1968-)

Quote #088

" Solo la possibilità di realizzare un sogno rende la vita degna di essere vissuta. "

" Erst die Möglichkeit, einen Traum zu verwirklichen, macht unser Leben lebenswert. "

" Only the possibility of carrying out a dream makes our life worth living. "

Paolo Coelho (1947-)

Quote #087

" It is no secret that the real world in which the designer functions

is not the world of art, but the world of buying and selling. "

Paul Rand (1914-1996)

Quote #086

" Memory is what you remember, imagine what you remember,

  convince yourself you remember, or pretend to remember. "

  " La memoria è quello che ricordi, immaginare quello che ricordi,

    convincere te stesso di ricordare, o pretendere di ricordare. "

Harold Pinter (1930-)

Quote #085

" Grids do not exist in a vacuum. They exist in relation to the content.

We never start with a grid. We start with an idea which is then translated

into a form, a structure. "

Linda van Deursen

Quote #084

" The minute you start saying something, 'Ah, how beautiful!

We must photograph it!' you are already close to view of the person

who thinks that everything that is not photographed is lost, as if

it had never existed, and that therefore, in order really to live,

you must photograph as much as you can, and to photograph as much

as you can you must either live in the most photographable way

possible, or else consider photographable every moment of your life.

The first course leads to stupidity; the second to madness. "

Italo Calvino, 1923-1985

Quote #083

" The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. "

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

Quote #082

" We`re not here for a long time, we`re here for a good time /

Reach For the Sky, 'cause tomorrow may never come. "

Mike Ness, Social Distorsion

Quote #081

" You don`t need eyes to see, you need vision. "


Quote #080

" To be or not to be. "    " To be is to do. "     " Do be do be do… "

  Shakespeare                Sartre                  Sinatra

Quote #079

" If art is therapy, if art is to inspire, if art is a weapon, if it is

a medicine to heal soul wounds, if it makes one not feel alone in his

or her visions, or if it serves as transportation to a higher self,

then that is where I aspire to live every day. "

Rudy Gutierrez (1965-)

Quote #078

" The quality of talent lies in its limitations, not in its possibilities.

It means dealing with physical limitations and reality ; the professional

designer often has to be inventive and improvise to solve a problem within

a limited time frame. He needs to be practical and efficient.  He needs to

know what to look for and, more important, when to stop. "

Max Kisman (1953-)

Quote #077

" Design brings content into focus ;

design makes function visible. "

Jennifer Moria

Quote #076

" Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.

Design is how it works. "

Steve Jobs (1955-)

Quote #075

" We need to aim at essential things, to remove every redundant effects,

every useless flowering, to elaborate a concept on mathematical bases,

on fundamental ideas, on elementary structures;

we strongly need to avoid waste and excess. "

A.G. Fronzoni

Quote #074

" You can`t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. "

Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Quote #073

" If the doors of perception were cleansed,

everything would appear to man as it is : infinite. "

William Blake (1757-1827)

Quote #072

" Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine. "

Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888)

Quote #071

" Design is thinking made visual. "

Soul Bass (1920-1996)

Quote #070

" An image can only be one element in constructing a sequence of understanding. "

Germano Facetti

(May 5, 1928 - April 8, 2006)

Quote #069

" Indeed art is fundamental : to science, mathematics and to language.

Unfortunately theorists, educators, parents and administrators have

not fully understood its importance, relegating it to a secondary role,

or that of an add on. "

John A. Hiigli &

Quote #068

" Design is the intermediary between information and understanding ".

Richard Grefé

Executive Director, American Institute of Graphic Arts

Quote #067

" [Leonardo Da Vinci] combined art and science and aesthetics

and engineering, that kind of unity is needed once again ".

Ben Shneiderman

Quote #066

" The single most important observation is that the objective

of communication is not the transimission, but the reception.

The whole preparation, presentation and content of a speech must

therefore be geared not to the speaker but to the audience.

The presentation of a perfect project plan is a failure if the

audience do not understand or are not persuaded of its merits.

A customers` tour is a waste of time if they leave without realising

the full worth of your product.  The objective of communication is

to make your message understood and remembered. "

Dr. Gerard M. Blair

Hardware Design Engineer, Hewlett-Packard

Quote #065

" I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning, and not

to suit any body but myself.  If people don`t like my opinions,

it makes little difference as I don`t solicit their opinions

or votes. "

William T. Sherman (1820-1891)

Quote #064

" It is called the Fibonacci series after Leonardo of Pisa

or (Filius Bonacci), alias Leonardo Fibonacci, born in 1175,

whose great book 'The Liber Abaci' (1202), on Arithmetic,

was a standard work for 200 years and is still considered

the best book written on Arithmetic. "

Quote #063

" I don`t think this has been fully understood by the United States...

If you look at India, China and Russia, they all have strong education

heritages.  Even if you discount 90 percent of the people there as

uneducated farmers, you still end up with about 300 million people

who are educated.  That`s bigger than the U.S. work force. "

Craig Barrett

Quote #062

" In preparing for battle I have always found that plans

are useless, but planning is indispensable. "

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Quote #061

" I am passionate about words and the rhythm that they create,

giving expanded meaning to the mundane or enhancing the brilliant,

no matter what form they are delivered.  When all is said and done,

and my life is finished, there will be only one thing that remains ;

the memories that I have left with those that have known me and my

words, whether written or spoken will be a reflection of the life

I have lived. "

Carla Iacovetti

Quote #060

" When I`m working on a problem, I never think about beauty.

I think only how to solve the problem.  But when I have finished,

if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. "

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Quote #059

" [Graphics] is a strict and simple system of signs,

which anyone can learn to use and which leads to better understanding. "

Jacques Bertin (1925-)

Quote #058

" Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Quote #057

" If you keep shouting, you are not making communication any better.

You are only removing the talking and whispering from the system.

I find our society a bit noisy. I would like to contribute a little

silence. "

Bruno Monguzzi

Quote #056

" For one thing, I don`t teach graphic design ; I teach people

to find their own strengths.  Second, I don`t hold back anything

for myself.  I share everything I know.  I get back much more

than I receive. "

Morteza Momayez (1936-2005)

Quote #055

" Object-oriented programming is the leading software development

technique today -- but the logic of object-oriented programming

was developed by philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Porphyry.

If you can master the concepts, you can master the details.

Many philosophers are surprised to discover that high-tech jobs

are often philosophically rewarding as well as financially rewarding.

If you love metaphysics, for instance, you've great future as a

software designer : a large software system is just an enormous

conceptual structure, not unlike a great metaphysical system. "

Eric Steinhart, 1998, WPUNJ Philosophy Department

Quote #054

" Because his sister`s marrying Toad

Because she needs a new commode (remember, she`s marrying Toad)

Because he`d written her an ode ("Oh, sister mine, you`re marrying Toad")

Because his feelings overflowed ("My baby sister`s marrying Toad")

Because he feels he must meet Toad ("What if the Toad turns out a fraud?")

That`s why the chicken crossed the road. "

Vladimir Radunsky

Quote #053

" Good design always brings rewards, whether you measure them

in terms of a better image for your organization, increased sales,

or simply personal satisfaction for the person responsible.

Bad design, though, brings greater penalties for some kinds of

documents than others.  Your organization`s efficiency can be

seriously affected by badly designed forms, price lists, catalogues,

or other functional documents.

So the time it takes to design things well is time well spent. "

Robert Waller

Quote #052


Unicode (1991-)

Quote #051

" In the visual arts, for example, the semiological approach

to graphics provides a rigorous analysis of the visual means

used by the artist. It defines the basic properties and laws

governing the arts and suggests objective criteria for art

criticism. "

Jacques Bertin (1967-1984)

Quote #050

" Never mistake motion for action. "

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

Quote #049

" It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare,

it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. "

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (3bc-65)

Quote #048

" Shibumi ("Elegance") summons the image of something astringent

in sensation, while it hints at that which is unforced or dignified.

A shibumi flower arrangement brings into being coolness during

a scorching summertime and sunshine on a frigid day.  That which

is shibumi is quiet in refinement, noble and fulfilling in a manner

that is not shaped exclusively by analytical thought.  It is the

pathos of 'not too much,' the use of creative restraint in the

supreme sense. "

Michi, Journal of Japanese Cultural Arts

Quote #047

" The ultimate inspiration is the deadline. "

Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari Computers (1943-)

Quote #046

" No, Watson, this was not done by accident - but by design. "

Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1854-1957)

Quote #045

" Intellectuals solve problems ; geniuses prevent them. "

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Quote #044

" The best way to predict the future is to invent it. "

Alan Kay  (1940-)

Quote #043

" There are moments in our lives,

there are moments in a day,

when we seem to see beyond the usual.

Such are the moments of our greatest happiness.

Such are the moments of our greates wisdom.

If one could but recall his vision by some sort of sign.

It was in this hope that the arts were invented.

Sign-posts on the way to what may be.

Sign-posts toward greater knowledge. "

Robert Henri (1865-1929)

Quote #042

" Cogito, Ergo Sum. "

René Descartes (1596-1650)

Translated in the past as "I think, therefore I am", but more

recently and accurately "I am thinking, therefore I exist",

is possibly the single best-known philosophical statement.

Kevin Pease ambigram - also translated for the FB toilet.

Quote #041

" A room without books is a body without a soul. "

Cicero (106-43 BC)

Quote #040

" No one realized that the book and the labyrinth

were one and the same...

Through the years, a man peoples a space with images of provinces,

kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, tools,

stars, horses, and people.  Shortly before his death, he discovers

that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his own face. "

Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

Quote #039

" Whose shape was quarreled over for months :

should we arbitrate life and death

at a round table

or a square one ?

Jenny Holzer (1950-)

Quote #038

" In dreams begins responsibility. "

William Butler Yeats (1865-39)

Quote #037

" I  h a v e  a l l  t h a t  I  r e q u e s t e d

and I do not want what I haven`t got.

I have learned this from my mother ;

see how happy she has made me.

I will take this road much further

though I know not where it takes me. "

Sinead O'Connor (1966-)éad_O'Connor

Quote #036

" The words or language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem

to play any role in my mechanism of thought.  The psychical entities

which serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or les

clear images which can be 'voluntarily' reproduced or combined...

The above mentioned elements are, in my case, of visual and some

muscular type. "

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Quote #035

" Always tell only the truth, and all the truth,

and do so promptly - right now. "

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Quote #034

" I still believe in Paradise,

and now at least I know it not some place you can look for,

because it`s not where you go,

it`s how you feel for a moment in your life.

If you find that moment - it lasts forever.

Trust me, it's Paradise.

Keep your mind open and suck any experience. "

from "Beached" by Orbital and Angelo Badalamenti (1937-)

Quote #033

" Form is emptiness

and the very emptiness is form ;

Emptiness does not differ from form,

form does not differ from emptiness,

whatever is emptiness,

that is form.

the same is true of feelings,

perception, impulses,

and consciousness ! "

from The Heart of Sutra, Courtesy of Sami Kortemäki

Recited in original laguage "Mahahannyaharamita Sutra"

Quote #032

" When we observes users in their natural environments, they

behave in natural ways that they may not when sitting in a Lab. "

Colin Hynes (1965-)

Quote #031

" A map of the world which doesn`t include Utopia isn`t even worth glancing at. "

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Quote #030

" You paint the way you have to in order to give.  That`s life itself,

and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but

it has noting to do with knowing, it has to do with giving. "

Franz Kline (1910-1962)

Quote #029

La bellezza è un linguaggio.

I krása umímluvit.

La belleza es un lenguaje.

Schönheit ist eine Sprache.

Beauty is a language.

La beauté est un language.

Piekno jest mowa.

A beleza é uma linguagem.

Güzellik bir dildir.

Quote #028

" The water you touch in the rivers

it is the last of what`s gone, and the first of what is coming :

- so the moment of present is. "

Leonardo da Vinci (1690-1730)

‘Sea Life’ poster [700 Kb]

Quote #027

" Happiness... it lies in the joy of achievement,

in the thrill of creative effort. "

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

Quote #026

" Everything we see hides another thing ;

we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. "

René Magritte (1898-1967)

Quote #025

" The art of art,

the glory of expression

and the sunshine of the light of letters,

is simplicity. "

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

Quote #024

" Computers are worthless. They can only give you answers. "

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973); anglais

Quote #023

" I have solved what color is, however ;

I still have no idea about what line is. "

Leonardo da Vinci (1690-1730)

‘Sea Life’ poster [700 Kb]

Quote #022

" If you jump, you best jump far. "

Tori Amos (1963-)

from 'Leather', Little Earthquakes.

Quote #021

" Of the making of books, there is no end. "

The Prophet Muhammad (569-632)

Quote #020

" Eighty percent of success is showing up. "

Woody Allen (1935-)

Quote #019

Non c'è due senza tre (Italian)

There is not two without three (English)

Üçsüz iki olmaz (Turkish)

No hay dos sin tres  (Spanish)

Es gibt nicht zwei ohne drei (German)

Il n'y a pas deux sans trois (French)

Er is niet twee zonder drie (Dutch)

Não há duas sem três (Portuguese)

Det er ikke to uten tre (Norwegian)

Gde dva tam i tri (Russian)

Ei ole kahte ilma kolmeta (Estonian)

Nie ma dwoch bez trzech (Polish)

Sann ga nakereba ni ha soko ni nai (Japanese)

Ei kahta ilman kolmatta (Finnish)

Där är ikke två ingen tredje (Swedish)

Ma fisc thnin duna thlata (Arab)

" Eer bir i iki defa yaplrsa, üçüncüsü de gelir. "

Quote #018

" Graphic design is the paradise of individuality,

eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors. "

George Santayana (1863-1952)

Quote #017

" You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created. "

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Quote #016

" Sharing knowledge is better than having it. "

Peter J. Bogaards

Quote #015

" A man who works with his hands is a laborer ;

a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman ;

but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart

is an artist. "

Louis Nizer (1902-1994)

Quote #014

" For years, I`ve recommended to students that they study

Communication, that it is one of the most important skills

they can acquire : to learn how to ask a client about their

business, how to listen to the replies and then refine the

questions, how to enlighten a client about what the client

needs to know about what we do.  That last part is almost

like educating kids about where babies come from...

  You only have to give the answer that makes sense at the

level of understanding of the person asking the question. "

Miriam MacPhail

(Professional Member, Graphic Designers of Canada)

Quote #013

" Creativity is an ode to life.

It is not a form of entertainment. It is a form of joy. "

Wynn Bullock (1902-1975)

Quote #012

" Silence is golden. "

" Yüksek sesle konuşmayınız. "

Quote #011

" The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new

and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words

and pictures into new relationships. "

Leo Burnett (1891-1971)

Quote #010

" To design is to plain and organize, to order, to relate

and to control.  In short it embraces all means opposing

disorder and accident.  Therefore it signifies a human need

and qualifies man's thinking and doing. "

Josef Albers, (1888-1976)

Quote #009

" There are moments in our lives,

there are moments in a day, when

we seem to see beyond the usual.

Such are the moments of our greatest

happiness. Such are the moments

of our greates wisdom. If one could

but recall his vision by some sort of

sign. It was in this hope that the

arts were invented. Sign-posts on

the way to what may be. Sign-posts

toward greater knowledge. "

Robert Henri (1865-1929)

Quote #008

" The soul is often in the surface,

and the importance of 'depth' is overestimated. "

Italo Calvino

Quote #007

A book has to dig through the wounds,

more, it has cause a new one,

a book it has to be dangerous.

Emile Cioran (1911-1995)

Quote #006

" If our field is "to advance", we must - without displacing creativity

and aesthetics - make sure our terminology is clear. "

Jef Raskin

Quote #005

" As we become more mature we will learn to master the interplay

between the past and the present and not be so self-conscious of our

rejection or acceptance of tradition. We will not make the mistake

that both rigid modernists and conservatives make, of confusing the

quality of form with the specific forms themselves. "

Alvin Lustig

Quote #004

" The closure of the book is an illusion largely created by its materiality,

its cover. Once the book is considered on the plane of its significance,

it threatens infinity. "

Susan Stewart

narrative of the miniatures

Quote #003

" I see graphic design as the organization of information

that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent

and pragmatically understandable.

  I like it to be usually powerful, intellectual elegant,

and above all timeless. "

Massimo Vignelli (1931-)

Quote #002

" Asymmetry is the rhythmic expression of funtional design.

In addition to being more logical,

asymmetry has the advantage that its complete appearance

is far more optically effective than symmetry. "

Jan Tschichold (1902-1974)

Quote #001

" For the first time in history it is now possible to take care

of everybody at a higher standard of living than any have ever known.

Only ten years ago the 'more with less' technology reached the point

where this could be done. All humanity now has the option to become

enduringly successful. "

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

[return to the index page]

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